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OAuth 2.0 and OIDC for BlockID

OAuth 2.0 (Open Authorization) is an authorization protocol that allows one application to access resources hosted by another application on behalf of a user without needing to share the user's credentials. OAuth2 uses Access Tokens to represent the authorization to access resources on behalf of the end-user. BlockID uses the JSON Web Token (JWT) format for our Access Tokens.

OpenID Connect (OIDC) is an authentication protocol that enables applications to support authentication processes in a secure and standardized way. Applications using OpenID Connect rely on identity providers such as 1Kosmos to securely handle authentication requests and verify the identities of their users.


  • OIDC application details
  • Valid proof of authentication (JWT) access token


  • dns: tenant domain as shown in the dashboard
  • communityName: tenant community as shown in the dashboard
  • licenseKey: tenant license key as shown in the dashboard
  • proofOfAuthenticationJwt: JWT token
  • clientId: oauth2 client ID
  • clientSecret: oauth2 client secret
  • redirectUri: oauth2 redirect URL
  • responseType: set as code
  • grantType: set as authorization_code or refresh_token
  • refreshToken: oauth2 refresh token

Request Format


All requests are plug-and-play, not copy-paste. Please ensure that you are replacing the parameters in the request format below with the actual values

OAuth2 Authorization Code

  • Set tenant info
const BIDOauth2 = require('blockid-nodejs-helpers/BIDOauth2');

let tenantInfo = {
dns: "<tenant dns>",
communityName: "<tenant community>",
licenseKey: "<tenant license>"
  • Add oauth2 details and grant type
let proofOfAuthenticationJwt = "<JWT token>";
let clientId = "<client ID>";
let clientSecret = "<client secret>";
let redirectUri = "<redirect URL>"
let responseType = "code";
let grantType = "<grant type>"; // either "authorization_code" or "refresh_token"
  • Set scope
/* For an openid connect (oidc) flow, the scope is "openid email profile"

For an authorization code flow, the scope is "email profile" */

let scope = "<scope>";
  • Set state
// State is optional during an oauth2 authorization flow. There should be no nonce parameter for an oauth2 authorization (when not using oidc claim)

let state = null;
  • Request oauth2 authorization code
async function requestAuthorizationCode() {

let authorizationCodeResponse = await BIDOauth2.requestAuthorizationCode(tenantInfo, proofOfAuthenticationJwt, clientId, responseType, scope, redirectUri, state, nonce);
console.log("authorizationCodeResponse::::::", JSON.stringify(authorizationCodeResponse));
return authorizationCodeResponse;


OAuth2 Token

  • Set tenant info
const BIDOauth2 = require('blockid-nodejs-helpers/BIDOauth2');

let tenantInfo = {
dns: "<tenant dns>",
communityName: "<tenant community>",
licenseKey: "<tenant license>"
  • Add oauth2 details and authorization code
let clientId = "<client ID>";
let clientSecret = "<client secret>";
let redirectUri = "<redirectUri>";
let grantType = "<grant type>"; // either "authorization_code" or "refresh_token"
let url = "<url>";

// If calling refresh_token declare here
let refreshToken = "<refreshToken>";
  • Request oauth2 token
async function requestToken(code, refreshToken) {
let requestTokenResponse = await BIDOauth2.requestToken(tenantInfo, clientId, clientSecret, grantType, redirectUri, code, refreshToken);
console.log("requestTokenResponse::::::", requestTokenResponse);
return requestTokenResponse;

return requestTokenResponse;

Example Requests

OAuth2 Authorization with OpenID Connect (OIDC)

Here's an example request showing the flow for OAuth2 authorization with OpenID

const BIDOauth2 = require('blockid-nodejs-helpers/BIDOauth2');

let tenantInfo = {
dns: "",
communityName: "devx",
licenseKey: "9b074532-845b-4c75-ba3e-2b89598ad405"

let proofOfAuthenticationJwt = "xxxxx"; // JWT Token
let clientId = "2ee529699faa2aaf3b24b6154bc0xxxx";
let clientSecret = "6db7c242fc4ef1f98bf45d9e3f44d5a980b5d03ac52530e85d5dfc866f07xxxx";
let redirectUri = "";
let responseType = "code";
let grantType = "authorization_code";

// For "openid connect" the scope is "openid email profile"
let scope = "openid email profile";

// State and nonce are optional during an openid connect flow (when using openid scope)
let state = null;
let nonce = null;

// Request oauth2 authorization code
async function requestAuthorizationCode() {

let authorizationCodeResponse = await BIDOauth2.requestAuthorizationCode(tenantInfo, proofOfAuthenticationJwt, clientId, responseType, scope, redirectUri, state, nonce);
console.log("authorizationCodeResponse::::::", JSON.stringify(authorizationCodeResponse));
return authorizationCodeResponse;

// Call requestAuthorizationCode

OAuth2 Refresh Token with OpenID Connect (OIDC)

const BIDOauth2 = require('blockid-nodejs-helpers/BIDOauth2');

let tenantInfo = {
dns: "",
communityName: "devx",
licenseKey: "9b074532-845b-4c75-ba3e-2b8950000000"

let clientId = "2ee529699faa2aaf3b24b6154bc0xxxx";
let clientSecret = "6db7c242fc4ef1f98bf45d9e3f44d5a980b5d03ac52530e85d5dfc866f07xxxx";
let redirectUri = "";
let grantType = "refresh_token";

// add refresh token
let refreshToken = "78Bwl7_wLQy5jfsb4hqM7MWK8f5PJSAXNgGo0_xxxxx";

async function requestToken(code, refreshToken) {
let requestTokenResponse = await BIDOauth2.requestToken(tenantInfo, clientId, clientSecret, grantType, redirectUri, code, refreshToken);
console.log("requestTokenResponse::::::", requestTokenResponse);
return requestTokenResponse;

// Call requestToken
requestToken(null, refreshToken);

OAuth2 Authorization

const BIDOauth2 = require('blockid-nodejs-helpers/BIDOauth2');

let tenantInfo = {
dns: "",
communityName: "devx",
licenseKey: "9b074532-845b-4c75-ba3e-2b89598ad405"

let proofOfAuthenticationJwt = "xxxxx"; // JWT Token
let clientId = "2ee529699faa2aaf3b24b6154bc0xxxx";
let clientSecret = "6db7c242fc4ef1f98bf45d9e3f44d5a980b5d03ac52530e85d5dfc866f07xxxx";
let redirectUri = "";
let responseType = "code";
let grantType = "authorization_code";

// For "authorization code" (not using openid), the scope is "email profile"
let scope = "email profile";

// State is optional during an oauth2 authorization flow. There should be no nonce parameter for an oauth2 authorization (when not using oidc claim)
let state = null;

// Request oauth2 authorization code
async function requestToken(code, refreshToken) {
let requestTokenResponse = await BIDOauth2.requestToken(tenantInfo, clientId, clientSecret, grantType, redirectUri, code, refreshToken);
console.log("requestTokenResponse::::::", requestTokenResponse);
return requestTokenResponse;

// Call requestAuthorizationCode

OAuth2 Token

const BIDOauth2 = require('blockid-nodejs-helpers/BIDOauth2');

let tenantInfo = {
dns: "",
communityName: "devx",
licenseKey: "9b074532-845b-4c75-ba3e-2b89598ad405"

let clientId = "2ee529699faa2aaf3b24b6154bc0xxxx";
let clientSecret = "6db7c242fc4ef1f98bf45d9e3f44d5a980b5d03ac52530e85d5dfc866f07xxxx";
let redirectUri = "";
let grantType = "authorization_code";
let url = "{redirectUrl}?code=xxxxxx&state=xxxx%22";

// Request oauth2 token
async function requestToken(code, refreshToken) {
let requestTokenResponse = await BIDOauth2.requestToken(tenantInfo, clientId, clientSecret, grantType, redirectUri, code, refreshToken);
console.log("requestTokenResponse::::::", requestTokenResponse);
return requestTokenResponse;

let urlData = new URL(url);
let searchParams = new URLSearchParams(urlData.searchParams);
let code = searchParams.get("code");

// Call requestToken
requestToken(code, null);

Server Responses


Responses include dummy data as an example of a typical response

OAuth2 Authorization Code

"statusCode": 200,
"url": ""

The server accepted the request and returned a valid URL containing the oauth2 authorization code and state.

OAuth2 Access Token with OpenID Connect

access_token: "hpJufMH9txiObwaoXVZ6ftcmoKVE34_ZJrGjWhXXXXX",
id_token: "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6IjVtbmhJbmVYN1dLdk81NEM2c1h5VzFaXzZEQUwtV1F1S2EzTUxEbEtPeEUifQ.eyJzdWIiOiJqZW5pc2giLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImplbmlzaCIsImZpcnN0bmFtZSI6ImplbmlzaCIsImxhc3RuYW1lIjoicGF0ZWwiLCJlbWFpbCI6ImplbmlzaC5wYXRlbEAxa29zbW9zLmNvbSIsImF0X2hhc2giOiI4Y3BHWlVGSU9vV1N5MkpocEtyY2J3IiwiYXVkIjoiMmVlNTI5Njk5ZmFhMmFhZjNiMjRiNjE1NGJjMDU0NjgiLCJleHAiOjE2NzI5MTczODMsImlhdCI6MTY3MjkxMzc4MywiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9ibG9ja2lkLWRldi4xa29zbW9zLm5ldC9vYXV0aDIvY29tbXVuaXR5L2RldngifQ.QG1k04soewILKaQxEM1IC55G26KOdZIwAaABLUGH1d1b-T3q3ipGgSFIpUqEpPCGWHaJyW3ssxdVV3Xu4AmHNBT5Ju9I7XQcP9iseSDhcvIL9uT0bJuv-gjJ3_Qkq4ULP6zPFEi91omCDRwtVZzFRQXzSYlVKBMzyTf1IMAb5Ieo_-g0ZjKSP7KMkRi-Ygr_2NCD17qibLnkVRUU_U_DuK2F9o76hC-uXHc7ZybSTxw7LfrYDBJCwcoGhtlC3WKk59P-XxxfAlwC-EHVtVi7l8KzccTocZm2qXqYkJDAlxgegx0nVRK2UNQsQ-UAfKiytlpXFjUN3nym8IRgXXXXXX",
expires_in: 84600,
scope: "openid email profile",
token_type: "Bearer",
status: 200

The server accepted the request and returned a valid URL containing the OAuth2 access token and OpenID ID token .

OAuth2 Refresh Token with OpenID Connect

access_token: "DovIic5QfVwIB6fwE5pIVtoHoXkovtfLfYvn7OVXXXX",
expires_in: 84600,
id_token: "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6IjVtbmhJbmVYN1dLdk81NEM2c1h5VzFaXzZEQUwtV1F1S2EzTUxEbEtPeEUifQ.eyJzdWIiOiJqZW5pc2giLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImplbmlzaCIsImZpcnN0bmFtZSI6ImplbmlzaCIsImxhc3RuYW1lIjoicGF0ZWwiLCJlbWFpbCI6ImplbmlzaC5wYXRlbEAxa29zbW9zLmNvbSIsImF0X2hhc2giOiI4Y3BHWlVGSU9vV1N5MkpocEtyY2J3IiwiYXVkIjoiMmVlNTI5Njk5ZmFhMmFhZjNiMjRiNjE1NGJjMDU0NjgiLCJleHAiOjE2NzI5MTczODMsImlhdCI6MTY3MjkxMzc4MywiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9ibG9ja2lkLWRldi4xa29zbW9zLm5ldC9vYXV0aDIvY29tbXVuaXR5L2RldngifQ.QG1k04soewILKaQxEM1IC55G26KOdZIwAaABLUGH1d1b-T3q3ipGgSFIpUqEpPCGWHaJyW3ssxdVV3Xu4AmHNBT5Ju9I7XQcP9iseSDhcvIL9uT0bJuv-gjJ3_Qkq4ULP6zPFEi91omCDRwtVZzFRQXzSYlVKBMzyTf1IMAb5Ieo_-g0ZjKSP7KMkRi-Ygr_2NCD17qibLnkVRUU_U_DuK2F9o76hC-uXHc7ZybSTxw7LfrYDBJCwcoGhtlC3WKk59P-XxxfAlwC-EHVtVi7l8KzccTocZm2qXqYkJDAlxgegx0nVRK2UNQsQ-UAfKiytlpXFjUN3nym8IRgXXXXXX",
refresh_token: "t9l9PmQvC_uY5v-4R7cEVN7S8nlIItDue-zUCjXXXXX",
scope: "openid email profile",
token_type: "Bearer",
status: 200

The server accepted the request and returned the refresh token and ID token.

OAuth2 Access Token

access_token: "hpJufMH9txiObwaoXVZ6ftcmoKVE34_ZJrGjWhXXXXX",
expires_in: 86400,
scope: "email profile",
token_type: "Bearer",
status: 200

The server accepted the request and returned a valid OAuth2 access token.