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Magic Links Passwordless Authentication

Magic links are a type of passwordless authentication that sends a unique login link containing a one-time code (the "magic link") to your user's email. Clicking the link allows your user to log in directly, with each link being accessible for a limited time and valid for single use only.

From a developer standpoint, the magic links process involves two main steps: requesting an email verification link and redeeming the email verification link.


  • dns: tenant domain as shown in the dashboard
  • communityName: tenant community as shown in the dashboard
  • licenseKey: tenant license key as shown in the dashboard
  • emailTo: email to send a magic link
  • emailSubjectOrNull: email subject line - enter null if you wish to omit
  • emailTemplateB64OrNull: email template, base64 encoded (see below for example) - enter null if you wish to omit
  • ttlSecondsOrNull: time to live before email verification link expires - enter null if you wish to omit
  • createdBy: Include a developer reference of who created the verification link
  • code: unique code sent to the requesting email address

Request Format


All requests are plug-and-play, not copy-paste. Please ensure that you are replacing the parameters in the request format below with the actual values for your tenant

  • Set tenant info
const BIDAccessCodes = require('blockid-nodejs-helpers/BIDAccessCodes');

const tenantInfo = {
dns: "<dns>",
communityName: "<communityName>",
licenseKey: "<licenseKey>"
  • Set email recipient, email subject, and email template
let emailTo = '<requesting email address>'; 

//NOTE: Email template must have {{MAGICLINK}} variable
const emailTemplate = `Click the button below to log in to 1Kosmos Developer Experience. https://${tenantInfo.dns}/devportal/demo?code={{MAGICLINK}}&tab=magiclinks&type=user_signin
This link will expire in 20 minutes.`;

const emailSubjectOrNull = 'Here is your Magic Link!';
let ttlSecondsOrNull = 1;
let createdBy = null;

Your email template must include the {{MAGICLINK}} variable as shown above to receive a valid magic link

  • base64-encode the email template
const emailTemplateB64OrNull = emailTemplate ? Buffer.from(emailTemplate).toString('base64') : null;
  • Trigger and send the email containing the magic link:
const requestEmailVerificationResponse = await BIDAccessCodes.requestEmailVerificationLink(tenantInfo, emailTo, emailTemplateB64OrNull, emailSubjectOrNull, createdBy, ttlSecondsOrNull);
  • Call function to verify and redeem magic links code
const redeemVerificationCodeResponse = await BIDAccessCodes.verifyAndRedeemEmailVerificationCode(tenantInfo, requestEmailVerificationResponse.code);
  • Return verification code response
return redeemVerificationCodeResponse

Example Request


Dummy information is provided in this example

const BIDAccessCodes = require('blockid-nodejs-helpers/BIDAccessCodes');

// Define tenant DNS, community name, and license key.
const tenantInfo = {
dns: '',
communityName: 'default',
licenseKey: "14cd5e85-a422-442a-9a8c-000000000000"

let emailTo = ''; // Requesting email address

//NOTE: Email template must have {{MAGICLINK}} variable
const emailTemplate = `Click the button below to log in to 1Kosmos Developer Experience. https://${tenantInfo.dns}/devportal/demo?code={{MAGICLINK}}&tab=magiclinks&type=user_signin
This link will expire in 20 minutes.`;
const emailSubjectOrNull = 'Here is your Magic Link!';
let ttlSecondsOrNull = 1;
let createdBy = null;

async function testMagicLink(emailTo, emailTemplate, emailSubjectOrNull, ttlSecondsOrNull=1) {

const emailTemplateB64OrNull = emailTemplate ? Buffer.from(emailTemplate).toString('base64') : null;

const requestEmailVerificationResponse = await BIDAccessCodes.requestEmailVerificationLink(tenantInfo, emailTo, emailTemplateB64OrNull, emailSubjectOrNull, createdBy, ttlSecondsOrNull);

const redeemVerificationCodeResponse = await BIDAccessCodes.verifyAndRedeemEmailVerificationCode(tenantInfo, requestEmailVerificationResponse.code);

return redeemVerificationCodeResponse

testMagicLink(emailTo, emailTemplate, emailSubjectOrNull, ttlSecondsOrNull).then(response => {
console.log('Magic Link output::', response);

Server Responses

Request Email Verification

200 OK
"emailResult": {
"status": true,
"statusCode": 200,
"message": "",
"error": null,
"gatewayId": "619cd2d01f74af757bb00000",
"gatewayName": "Default Email Gateway",
"resultId": "32d36f7f-ea59-4ad2-9235-d847cc700000",
"messageId": "fecf1e76-5851-42f0-9b9a-172b4f400000",
"ts": 1656480123
"link": "2927269a-deba-4f48-ba8c-9d6ee7900000",
"code": "2927269a-deba-4f48-ba8c-9d6ee7900000",
"statusCode": 200

The verification request email was accepted, and a magic link code was generated.

Verify and Redeem Email Verification

200 Success
"message": "redeemed",
"ttl_seconds": 14400,
"type": "verification_link",
"phoneRequired": false,
"uuid": "2927269a-deba-4f48-ba8c-000000000000",
"ttl": 0,
"tenantId": "5f3d8d0cd866fa6100000000",
"createdTime": 1656480123,
"id": "62bbe17b5e3e7a5300000000",
"communityId": "5f3d8d0cd866fa6100000000",
"accesscodepayload": {
"otp_email": "",
"authType": "none",
"invite_email": ""
"status": "redeemed",
"statusCode": 200

Magic links code was successfully redeemed by the requesting email.